When May 07, 2016 at 1:00pm 4 hrs

Sign up to hear about critical updates leading up to May 7th: http://www.righttobreathe2016.org/

For decades, the Philadelphia Energy Solutions oil refinery has been making people sick. The refinery causes over two-thirds of toxic releases in the whole city, Philly's children suffer from asthma at twice the rate of the national average, and every day, the refinery puts more and more carbon dioxide into the air contributing to climate change to cause storms, heat waves and rising seas. 

Now, the oil refinery, led by its Wall Street CEO Phil Rinaldi, wants to expand and turn Philadelphia into the “Houston of the Northeast.” First Rinaldi is trying to build an oil import/export terminal on the Delaware River -- then a giant taxpayer-funded gas pipeline to the refinery.

We know the refinery’s pollution hits low-income neighborhoods and communities of color first and worst. It’s part of an economy that privileges the few over the many. Its effects are global, putting our climate into crisis.

On May 7th, we will reclaim our Right to Breathe. Philadelphia Energy Solutions and other oil and gas companies are poisoning us now -- we won’t take any more.

We’re preparing to take bold, historic, and dignified action in May. We will join others across the world in a week of action by 350.org to Break Free from Fossil Fuels as part of a global movement for climate justice.

For over a year now, groups fighting for clean air and a healthy city have raised concerns with Rinaldi’s plans and the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery. So far, our voices have fallen on deaf ears. On May 7th, we will escalate and bring our concerns to the doors of the oil refinery itself. We are demanding that Phil Rinaldi and PES drop their plans to expand, starting with the proposed oil import/export terminal on the Delaware River.

There are few places across the country where a city has such a clear choice: fossil fuel future or living economy. As sea levels and temperatures rise, Rinaldi’s plan seeks to profit from Philadelphia’s economic insecurity. His plan threatens the existence of the coastal city we live in, poisoning the air of those around the refinery and locking us further into a fossil fuel-economy -- all while he and other Wall Street CEOs make billions.

All across the world, people are standing up for healthy communities and a livable planet. Will you join the fight for climate justice in Philadelphia?

Take the pledge to join us in Philadelphia on May 7th and demand our#RightToBreathe.
