February 18, 2021 at 6:30pm
1 hr 30 mins
During recent public meetings, residents have raised significant questions pertaining to the regulatory regime governing the Act 2 cleanup. The Act 2 cleanup at the site is expected to continue for many years, and the public will continue to have the opportunity to participate in the process. Accordingly the City, with the cooperation of DEP and EPA, is hosting a public meeting to clarify roles and responsibilities regarding the Act 2 process.
The City hopes that this meeting will increase public understanding of the role of each of the agencies involved in the cleanup as well as the available avenues for public participation, going forward. DEP and EPA will be making short presentations to explain their respective roles in the cleanup of the site. The majority of the meeting will be devoted to receiving and answering questions from attendees.

Please submit any questions to: [email protected]

Please submit any questions to: [email protected]
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