The Coordinating Circles exist to coordinate efforts within Thrive that necessitate or benefit from regular, central communication- unlike the rest of the movement which is decentralized. One representative or point person from each of these efforts serves as the Coordinating Circle Convener. Conveners maintain circle operations, help develop leadership in their circles, and center the circle's work on Philly Thrive's compass and strategy.
Leadership Development Circle. This circle oversees the development of action circles, including coordinating the Supporters program, coordinating Movement Trainings, and generating materials like toolkits to support the movement. This person currently receives compensation for the work. Currently the Leadership Development Coordinator is Alexa Ross ([email protected]).
Strategy Circle. This circle is a group of Thrivers that holds the strategy arc of the campaign, which includes planning mass actions and plugging circles into roles for those actions. This person currently receives compensation for the work. Currently the Strategy Circle Convener is Jo Cordon-Hill ([email protected]).
Communications and Media Circle. This circle is active in internal communications and external communications for Thrive (Thrive email, Facebook group, social media, and website), including supporting the movement to utilize and generate media. Currently the Communications Circle Convener is Larry Miller. ([email protected]).
Funds Circle. This circle is active in working with staff and action circles to create fundraising plans, keeps an eye on the budget, accounting, and finances, develops the fundraising strategy to secure resources for the movement, and reports to the movement on these activities. The funds coordinator currently receives compensation for the work. Currently serving in this role is Rachel Merriman-Goldring ([email protected]).
- Training and Facilitation Circle. This circle plans and facilitates events for bringing in new Thrivers, and events for the whole movement; these currently include a monthly Info Session for those interested in the campaign, a monthly Leadership Training to orient people to action circles in Philly Thrive, and a monthly Thrive Assembly where everyone in action circles comes together to share, learn from each other, and coordinate together. Currently the coordinator of the Training circle is Jim Irby ([email protected]).
The Coordinating Circles exists to support the movement and to support action circles in taking action for the Right to Breathe campaign. To learn more about the Coordinating Circles or to learn about becoming an apprentice to one of these roles, contact any of the above people.