On October 22-24 we launched our Right to Thrive Campaign, which seeks to repair 154 years of violence from the South Philly refinery as the land is given new life. The clean up has a huge role to play, and that's why Phase 1 of the Campaign is focused on mobilizing 500 residents to submit comments on the clean up before the end of the year (submit your comment now!). Given the agencies in charge of the clean up haven't yet agreed to teach the public about the contamination the ways we've suggested, it's time to teach each other about the clean up!
Through the end of 2020, Philly Thrive will be developing diverse educational materials to try our hand at sharing the information we've gained about the contamination and clean up at the refinery site. We know how important a thorough clean up is to residents across South & Southwest Philly. The reality is that even though the refinery is closed future generations can keep getting sick if the toxins aren't dealt with properly.
So let's get to learning together so we can have power together! The first planned event will be Tuesday November 10th at 6pm. In the meantime, check out our summary document that we'll be building the educational programs off of and a few YouTube videos on some of the contaminants at the refinery site!
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