Philly Thrive's Right to Thrive Campaign contests for justice in the redevelopment of the 1300-acre refinery site, the largest redevelopment in Philadelphia's history. 

We the people won back our Right to Breathe from a century of oil refining in South Philadelphia, and now justice is due. Our Right to Thrive campaign seeks to repair 154 years of violence by achieving a complete clean up of the land, dignified jobs & investment in surrounding neighborhoods, and a permanent seat at the table for residents most impacted by the land. As the largest redevelopment since Philly was founded as a city, we will organize residents across neighborhoods and backgrounds to uproot environmental racism during the land’s rebirth so that future generations can Thrive in our city.

Right to Thrive Campaign Goals:

1. Reclaim residents’ rightful place at the center of planning and decisions made about the land with Hilco and the City. 

  • Values: Self-determination. Democracy. Transparency. Respect. Communication. Consent. Power in our lives.

2. Restore our health & safety by cleaning up the air, water, & soil to the highest standard and basing all future decisions on the stewardship of those resources.

  • Values: Life. Community. Integrity. Breath. Interdependence. Commitment. Creativity.

3. Create family-sustaining union jobs with training programs and hiring for Grays Ferry & surrounding neighborhoods long excluded from employment.

  • Values: Equity. Dignity. Sustainability. Teamwork. Collaboration. Education. Understanding.

4. Invest financially in Grays Ferry & surrounding neighborhoods to begin addressing the years of racist wealth extraction from communities once filled with thriving youth programs and local businesses.

  • Values: Reparations. Fairness. Economic justice. Regeneration. Abundance. History. Wholeness.