Could your soul benefit from some connection with the Philly Thrive community right now? Would it be useful to hear a few updates on #RightToBreathe organizing that IS moving forward, despite Stay-At-Home order? --> Join us for the second virtual Assembly during COVID-19.
All are welcome to join the call, which will be hosted over the video conference platform Zoom. To prepare for the meeting you can download the free Zoom app on your computer, tablet, or phone here:
A few minutes before the meeting starts, you can click this link to join the meeting in Zoom:
Or you can type the meeting ID in directly:
Meeting ID: 326 130 1904
Password: Thrive!
Don't have a way to download Zoom? No problem! You can also use a phone to call in to the meeting by dialing 646-558-8656 and then enter Meeting ID number: 326 130 1904 and password 516850.
Feel confused or overwhelmed by these instructions? Need access to the internet? Want to learn how to better use Zoom? Thrivers in the Tech Circle are here to help! Comment in this event or message us for support! There will be support during the Assembly too.
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