Philly Thrive is partnering with TreePhilly to give away free yard trees in Grays Ferry through door-to-door delivery the week of October 19th. Registration closes on October 13th, or when all trees are claimed.
We have so many cool trees to give away: Blackgum, Baldcypress, Sassafrass, Sourwood, Chinese Chestnut, Sweetbay Magnolia, Witchazel, Smokebush, Allegheny Serviceberry, Plum Santa Rosa, Paw Paw, and Asian Pear!!
To learn more, and register, please email [email protected] and share (1) your name, (2) your address, (3) your phone number, and (4) which tree you'd like for your home! If you have questions, call Rachel at 571-276-1737
** Trees are available for Philadelphia residents only and have to be planted in the ground (not in a pot) on private property in Philadelphia. Philly Thrive’s tree giveaway prioritizes the Grays Ferry community.
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